Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Know That God Is Mercy, That Everything You Have Lived on This Earth Must Be Purified
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Lady to Gérard in France on November 2, 2024

The Virgin Mary:
My dear children, you have just celebrated the Saints; today you will pray for the souls in Purgatory. Know that God is Mercy, that everything you have lived on this earth must be purified. I'll give you an example: if you are part of a sect, if you do clairvoyance, if you blow on your friends with the aim of causing them misfortune, you tend to be excommunicated. Know that God wants you to leave this evil path. Every esoteric practice is forbidden by the Father, by the Holy Spirit, by My Son and therefore by God himself. Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Trilaterals, the top of the pyramid descend into Hell, because their practices are contrary to Divine Will. Their time of glory is a time of pain, so I ask you to repent, to let go of these imperfect things. Amen †
My dear children, be My Friends, listen to us. Know that I am Mercy. It is up to your souls to repent. It is time to mend your ways, because soon this will no longer be possible. My Justice will strike and many will be lost. I have always known this; on the Cross I suffered seeing all these souls refusing My Love. Peace to those who entrust their sins, even the most serious ones, to God. Don't fight against Our Sacred Hearts, fight against the evil that is in you if you use forbidden things. I love you; always say that I am Mercy and that I am Justice. Amen †
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, We bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Peace and joy are your way to us. Amen †
Do not despise Our calls to conversion. Amen †
"I consecrate the world, Lord, to Your Sacred Heart",
"I consecrate the world, Virgin Mary, to Your Immaculate Heart",
"I consecrate the world, St. Joseph, to Your fatherhood",
"I consecrate the world to You, St. Michael, protect it with Your wings." Amen †